Aqua Tape-In Extensions
Emily exclusively uses Aqua brand tape-in extensions
for all of her extension services. Book your consultation
today to see if tape-in extensions are right for you!
Heres a little note from Aqua:
One of the hottest trends in salons is Tape-In Hair Extensions. Emily can apply a full
head of hair extensions in less than one hour. Naturally, as is with all of our products,
our Tape-In Extensions are 100% Remy Human Hair with the cuticles intact for the
highest quality product.
The biggest concern people have when they’re using Remy Tape-In Hair Extensions is the residue left from the tape or damage to the hair. With our products, we offer top-of-the-line medical grade tape to ensure maximum efficacy with minimal damage to the natural hair. The top benefit for Tape-In Hair Extensions is the fact that they are reusable with the most natural look and permanent results. With our thin tape, we promise that the results will be a seamless Tape-In hair extension.
Maintaining and treating the human hair extensions is the biggest hurdle for most clients. Here at Aqua Hair Extensions, we make taking care of them easy; we provide the best shampoo and conditioner for long-term care of any hair extensions. All of our products are paraben and protein free to ensure longevity and proper care of your product.